Tuesday, June 29, 2021

I had a plan.  I really did.  But you know what happens with plans...something always gets in the way.  This time it was just life.  The day to day stuff.

So here I am, a day late and a dollar short sharing the meal plan for the week.  But this isn't really what I want to write about.  And since of yet nobody is reading this, I only have myself to please.

Scratch meal plans.  I make em, I change em, I totally ignore them sometimes.  Boring.

Much more exciting is what is happening with my jungle.  I have cucumbers.  Actual cucumbers on my spiraling  cucumber plant.

How cool is this ?!?!?   Cooler still is that I'm pretty sure these flowers are attracting a hummingbird!  I've see him 3 different times.  He doesn't seem to be able to get to the cucumber flowers though.  This morning I bought friend for Bonnie Belle.  (That's my geranium...don't remember if I introduced you before.)  The Mandeville is sure to attract the hummingbird.  He is yet unnamed.  I'll take suggestions.  I'll share a picture when I see him.

Another cool thing is that I found out that it is perfectly normal that my Brandywine tomato plant hasn't set fruit yet.  I am partial to the flavors of heirloom tomatoes.  My Purple Cherokee has dozens of fruit, but the Brandywine is big and healthy with gobs of flowers.  But no fruit.  I googled this, willing to go to great lengths to encourage fruit.  This variety doesn't set fruit for 80-100 days.  We are still in this window.

Brandywine--her fruit could be 2 pounds.  Each.   It is sweet and tastes like my childhood.

Purple Cherokee.  This was a new find for me several years ago.  
Plump fruit from red to purple in color.

That bring you up to speed on my jungle.

I will tell you about dinner tonight.  Josh took Friday off as we were having the carpets cleaned.  One of the things we did was go to Trader Joes where I bought the cilantro chicken mini wontons.  I have infused 2 qts of stock (some mine, some boxed) with some Asian flavors.  We will be having wonton soup for dinner with a side of Chinese Roasted Broccoli.

That's what's cooking in my kitchen.  How about yours?

happy cooking

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