It always feels like one step forward, one step back. Maybe I'm not fluid in constructionese, but I thought all of my uppers were going to be installed. And that my cook top drawer was going to be dummy-fied. That's not what happened.
Don't get me wrong. I am THRILLED that anything has been happening. Let me show you the progress...
Now because these uppers (not the ones towards the dining room) were installed, we were able to do this...
The cabinet beside this one I intend to house more of my "ingredients"...EVOO, balsamic, savory herbs and spices. I'd like to do a similar thing in the cabinet on the other side of the stove that will hold baking necessities...flour, sugar, sweet herbs and spices. Because...
the end lower cabinet holds my backing "team"...mixers, pans, rolling pin.
Here is the other lower that I loaded...
This sweet cupboard with roll out drawers holds my food processor, immersion blender, juicer, and brand new toaster.
Isn't she pretty? Wide slots to hold bagels, dual controls and all sorts of special for frozens. It has a retractable cord and easy to remove and clean crumb liner thingys. I may be in love. Small electrics are so fun.
Now if you were paying attention, you would have seen in an earlier photo that we hung our new painting from my folks. If you missed it, you can see it again here...
We think it fills the space as we wanted it to.The reflections on the glass make it hard to read, but we like it. A LOT. Those shades are not the "forever" shades. We want to get Roman Shades in neutral khaki or linen.
Right now, our big concerns remain the wiring of the oven and also the water line to connect to the fridge for ice.
I'll keep you posted on those issues. At eh moment, I'm waiting for my Lowes boys to come and check things out. They may be able to address some of those concerns.
And procrastinating cleaning. We are having a small dinner party tomorrow and you don't know how I loath the idea of serving on paper plates with plastic utensils. This is NOT a cookout or picnic. Okay, I do have to prepare all the food on my grill, but it's not a hot dogs and burgers kind of a menu.